We know families still have concerns about Covid-19. Trust us, we do too. Whether fighting systemic racism or fighting Covid-19 - lives are at stake.
So that families can still participate in the Kids Protest, we have created a full Virtual Protest! So get those protest signs ready, because we need your help!
We know families want to fight racism and stand up for what's right together. But we are also sensitive to the fight families have against COVID-19 right now too. There are many factors that have to come together to effectuate change - physical protesting is just one way. We need you to DONATE, MARCH, SPEAK, WRITE, READ, & CHANGE. Be about action wherever you are, not silence. Remember even marching around your block is action! Check out our Protest Action Guide on more detailed ways to be an activist.
Local Action
March around your own block with your signs when you go out for a walk as a family. Display protest signs in your yard. Let your community and the world know that you all are active in the fight against racism! Take a pic or video and post!
Use These Hashtags throughout the week and all day on Saturday, June 13
#JJChicago #KidsProtest #NoJusticeNoPeace #EndRacism #ForOurChildren
Daily Social Media Posts
Here is your way to participate. Each day (Tuesday - Saturday) we ask you to post the image associated with the day, along with a picture of your child supporting that specific call to action. Example - for today Tuesday, I will post the "Read Tuesday" flyer and a picture of my child reading a book about the topic.
Friday's Social Media Post
In continued VIRTUAL support of the Kids Non Violent Protest Against Racism....
Friday - DONATE!
The planning committee has a Go Fund Me to help offset the cost of this extraordinary event. Explain to your children about the importance of donating to causes like this. Many of our children live very comfortable lives, they need to know the importance of contributing.
#jjchicago, #kidsprotest, #nojusticenopeace, #endracism, #forourchildren
Thursday's Social Media Post
In continued VIRTUAL support of the Kids Non-Violent Protest Against Racism....
Thursday - SPEAK!
Record a video of your child speaking out and sharing their feelings about racism and what they think they can do to stop it.
#jjchicago, #kidsprotest, #nojusticenopeace, #endracism, #forourchildren
Copy & paste the text and add your child's video and the protest pic as well!
Wednesday's Social Media Post
As we continue our virtual support of the Kids Non Violent Protest Against Racism...
Wednesday - WRITE!
Assist your child in writing a letter to an elected official. Or sign the following online petition.
#jjchicago, #kidsprotest, #nojusticenopeace, #endracism, #forourchildren
Tuesday's Social Media Post
The Chicago Chapter of Jack and Jill, Inc. stands together for justice and equality. Our children are utilizing this moment to stand up for what is right and fight against racism. Please join us in teaching all youth the power of action. Join our march or participate virtually by posting a picture of your child using their voice. Hold up your signs proudly, write your letters thoughtfully, and make a difference! Donate. March. Speak. Write. Read. Change. ACTION. NOT SILENCE. #JJChicago #KidsProtest #NoJusticeNoPeace #EndRacism #ForOurChildren"
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